Arrested For DWI?


New York DWI Info

Fight DWI Charges

dwi offensesIf you or a loved one has been arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) in New York, your case will be heard in Supreme Court. Depending on the specifics of the situation, you may face either a misdemeanor or a felony charge. A conviction for DWI can have long-lasting consequences, including a permanent criminal record. This record can appear in background checks for job applications, potentially limiting career opportunities, particularly in certain industries.

Financial Penalties and Costs

DWI offenses in New York State come with significant financial consequences. Fines can range from $500 to $10,000, depending on the details of your case. In addition to fines, you may face other costs, including court fees, driver education classes, license suspension fines, ignition interlock rental fees, and miscellaneous court expenses. These costs can quickly add up.

However, hiring an experienced and aggressive DWI attorney can help reduce the financial burden. A skilled lawyer can challenge the evidence and negotiate with prosecutors to potentially lessen the penalties, including reducing fines and other fees.

Potential Jail Time and Community Service

While jail time is a possibility for a DWI conviction, first-time offenders who are charged with a misdemeanor typically avoid prison. Instead, they may be required to complete between 120 and 240 hours of community service.

A qualified DWI lawyer understands the nuances of the legal process and may be able to negotiate a plea deal with the prosecution to reduce the number of required community service hours or seek other favorable terms.

Protect Your Rights

If you’ve been charged with DWI offenses, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified attorney who can help defend your rights and work to minimize the impact on your future. Call 917-519-8417 to speak with an experienced DWI lawyer and learn more about your options.

New York City DWI Lawyer Reviews

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